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We are a grassroots advocacy group originating in Michigan's 9th Congressional District, continuing to defend our democracy.


With the change in congressional district lines, our group welcomes all members who want to be involved in our southeast Michigan Indivisible chapter.


*See our ACTIONS page for ways to engage.

We worked hard in the 2022 election cycle, but our work is not done.

We will continue to post suggestions here on efforts or events you may want to join.

1. Read the new Indivisible Guide:  A Practical Guide For Fixing Our Democracy   

2.  Ready to get to work? Join our email list here to receive our weekly CALLS TO ACTION.  We are currently focusing our efforts on communicating with our federal and state legislators.

3. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm. Join using this link to start receiving our emails and meeting invites.

4.  Please contact our Senators (as often as you wish) to remind them of the incredible importance of reforming the filibuster AND passing gun law reforms!!!
Sen. Stabenow:  (202) 224-4822

Sen. Peters:  (202) 224-6221

5.  Sign up for updates from the ACLU Michigan's Voting team:

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In May of 2019, leaders of more that 50 Indivisible groups in Michigan convened for the first time. 
Leaders decided we could amplify our power if we worked together, so StateWide Indivisible Michigan (SWIM) was born.

We have met virtually every month since then, strategizing on how to best use our superpower: our network of volunteers.

Find out more about SWIM:

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